Feel like helping out with the 2010 DP Dash? Well we’d love to have you. As our thanks, you’ll receive a Dash tee shirt, a warm meal, and one raffle entry for some awesome prizes. Here are some areas where you can contribute, and names of people to contact:
Safety boaters: If you’re trained and experienced in rough-water rescue scenarios, and willing to let Blair grill you a little bit on your skill level, this is a fun and challenging part of our volunteer crew. The racers will love you for being out there. Please contact Blair Corson, info@outdooradventurecenter.com or 425-883-9039.
Safety crew, 2007 Dash... thanks guys!
Race operations, Check-in & Timing – please pick two of the following 4 jobs, depending on your schedule and availability.
Please contact Bill Walker, rubycreekboathouse@gmail.com or 206-940-6269.
2-3 people for Thursday night 12/2 at Ruby Creek Boathouse in Anacortes, sorting tee shirts and preparing boat numbers and other essentials.
3-4 people for Friday night setup at Bowman Bay, about 3pm til dark or a little later – help with tents and arranging the check-in area; early-bird check-in and possible boat corral setup.
8-10 people for Saturday check-in 9am-1pm: verify racer info; collect waivers; hand out tee shirts, boat numbers & raffle entries; assist racers with boat numbers.
6-8 people for Saturday timing & results, on the dock, noon-4pm: Set up timers’ tent area, record finish times and compile results. Dress warmly, this is a chilly job.
Food and raffle – please contact Kathy or Jared Corson, info@outdooradventurecenter.com or 425-883-9039.
Setsuko is racing this year... can anyone replace her soup? Naaa, didn't think so. (thanks, Ramblin Lamb Photography)
Current volunteer list – please let me know if I got anything wrong. Land-based folks, please let me know which will be your second job:
Safety boaters: Beth Bielstein, Rhonda Schwab, Bob Weathers, Bob Burnett, Ken Biddle, Jeanette Rogers, Cathy Haggerty, Leslie Mix, Jim Oosterhof, Max Stevens, & Power Boat Pilot Capn Tom Dillard.
Thursday night: -- room for 3
Friday night: -- Karen Scharer, Whende Keatts & room for 2 more
Sat check-in: Dede Chinlund, Cathy Federici, Whende Keatts, Elise Mebel, Karen Scharer, Linda Sanford, Kathleen Murphy, Mary Oosterhof, Tim Hallmark, Debbie Gillaspie, Marty Houser
Sat timing: Tim Hallmark, Mary Oosterhof, Debbie Gillaspie, Rich Knapton, Cathy Federici, Linda Sanford, Marty Houser, Kathleen Murphy & Denny Lange
Thanks everyone, see you out there!
Boston Bob says "calling all happy paddlers... get on out here!" (thanks, Ramblin Lamb Photography)
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